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miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

Is hell a real place? If so, who made it?

A few weeks back an american preacher called 'Rob Bell' has been promoting a 'new' teaching on Hell, using conjectures on the New testament scriptures with a very accommodated interpretation on  Jesus sayings after the resurrection. In my opinion this speaker is not clear on his teaching because at the same time he is doing his own thoughts on this topic, creating lots of confusion on the church. The Bible is very clear on this matter,  and we are not allowed to interpret the words of Jesus after he resurrected  to base a theory avoiding that what he said before during his ministry and his death. 

Here We have a short, simple and clear exposition on Hell by Pastor John Macarthur. Please download it for free here or also you can from his website gty.org.

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